Second Semester Projects!

Title: Fish 2D

Date: 1/21/16

Project Description: This project is like the previous fish program in the terms of using arrays.

Title: Tic-Tac-Toe

Date: 2/5/16

Project Description: This project is just a fun tic-tac-toe game.

Title: Space Invaders 1

Date: 2/19/16

Project Description: This project is a remake of the original space invaders game with only one invader.

Title: Tanks

Date: 3/10/16

Project Description: This project is a fun tank game involving an enemy following you around.

Title: Space Invaders 2

Date: 3/24/16

Project Description: This project is a like the previous one but it has 3 more enemies.

Title: Final Project

Date: 6/9/16

Project Description: This is my final project called Ball Drop!